Compare Electricity Prices

Compare electricity prices from all over the UK. If you’re looking to get the best possible deal on your energy costs, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll be able to use our impartial online tool to compare electricity prices from all the UK’s major providers.
Whether you’ve just moved and want to ensure you save money from the get-go or you’re looking to cut your existing bills down, our unbiased energy comparison site will ensure you find the perfect deal to suit your situation.
What information do I need to start comparing electricity prices?
In order to use our online comparison tool and compare electricity prices, all you need to give us is a few bits of information :
- Who’s currently providing your energy
- Which of their tariffs you’re on
- How you currently pay your energy bills
- What your current usage is (either in terms of financial spend or kWh)
And that’s it!
Input the information where requested, and you’ll get a full, in-depth comparison of the deals available to you. It does help to have your most recent bill handy, but it’s not essential; we can still provide you with all the details you need. To compare electricity prices it’s really that simple.
What do I need to know about switching my electricity supplier?
Firstly, that it’s actually much easier than you might think! Some people think that changing their supplier will mean a host of paperwork and other admin. We’re happy to say that’s not the case.
Indeed, all you need to do is find your tariff using our online tool, complete the process when prompted, and your new supplier will take care of everything else.
Yes, it’s that easy. It’s actually your new supplier’s role to get in contact with the company currently handling your energy and to do all the work involved with arranging the changeover. Then, you just have to wait and receive all the information regarding your new deal – which will come through via e-mail or mail – and confirm it. If you decide not to go through with the change, that’s OK: you’ll have a 14 day cooling off period in which to let your supplier know.
The only other thing you’ll need to do is take a meter reading on the day of the switch, and to send it to your former supplier so they can let you know if you owe them anything.
What are the benefits of switching electricity suppliers?
There are a number of potential reasons to switch your suppliers. First, it can save money. Understandably, this is the most common reason for making a change. People are often amazed at how much they can save by changing their energy supplier.
You might be unhappy with your current provider. There are a range of companies ready and waiting to offer you a better service than you’re currently getting. In today’s world, there’s simply no reason to put up with an inferior supplier. Maybe you want to take a ‘greener’ approach? Some suppliers are more environmentally friendly than others, and you may want to switch to a company that makes the effort to be greener.
Alternatively, you might want more clarity. Some companies are more open and detailed when it comes to providing information about why you’re paying the prices you are. If you’re sick of trying to find out why your bills are priced as they are, it could be time to switch.
Am I eligible to switch my energy supplier?
The answer to this question is nearly always yes: both home-owners and those renting privately will have no trouble switching their energy supplier. On occasion, though, your landlord may ask you to switch back to the original supplier before you move out. If you currently have a pre-payment meter, you can also switch, although your landlord may again ask you to change this back before you move out.
Typically, the main exception to this is any tenants who pay rent on a ‘bills included’ basis. If you’re not involved with paying bills at all, it may be you won’t be eligible to change. However, in this situation you can usually rest assured that the landlord will be working to find the best deal possible – it’s in their interest.
The other thing to note is that if you’re currently on a fixed-rate tariff, you may have to pay an exit fee in order to leave the contract ahead of the end date. This isn’t guaranteed, but it can happen. In these situations, you can actually switch for free between 29 and 42 days before the end of the contract, because this is the notice period suppliers are legally obliged to give you before your tariff ends.
Will I be eligible for a smart meter?
Smart electricity meters are becoming more and more common, and it’s estimated that most houses will have one installed by 2020. You’ll be supplied a smart meter as and when they become available to your supplier.
Is it possible to switch my feed-in tariff if I have solar panels installed?
The answer is yes, but it’s not quite as simple. Feed-in tariffs aren’t set by suppliers; they’re actually set by Ofgem, the industry regulator for energy. As a result, switching your license won’t guarantee you’ll get better prices. If you’d like to switch for reasons of customer service, however, it could well be worth making the change.
What about dual fuel tariffs?
If your home is supplied with both electricity and gas, you can choose to have both supplied by the same company or to have them separate. The latter can certainly save money, but the former is definitely easier in terms of admin.
Get in touch
If you’d like to know more about the potential benefits of switching your energy supplier, you can get in touch with us. If, meanwhile, you’re ready to start saving yourself money on your bills, then our online comparison tool is ready and waiting for you.
Remember, we offer a completely impartial service: a direct comparison of genuine energy prices from the UK’s finest suppliers. Why settle for anything less than the very best service and the best value deals? Compare today, and start saving money.
* energy comparison service that helps customers compare electricity prices is powered by Energylinx Limited. Energylinx is fully accredited to the Ofgem Confidence Code to compare energy for domestic consumers. No common ownership or control rights exist between us. Using can help you compare electricity prices as we are a energy comparison site.